Category: Hanga | Create

Technology Term 4

Today All the year 7/8 students from room 6/7 and 9 went to Tamaki college for technology i was in Mrs Spark’s classroom for tech we started our day off writing in our project planning booklets for a few minutes then we walked over to Mrs Ferguson’s classroom to make name tags out of red plastic the first group which was  Me, Lovey, Angel and Deanne  the four of us went inside a room where the laser cutter was placed we got to choose a colour that we can use to make the name tags out of and the colour that we got was red and it was also transparent.

After we were done choosing the colour of the plastic Lovey and Angel peeled the plastic off, it was so satisfying we then placed  the big square of red plastic on the laser cutter then we shut the lid and wrote our names on a computer then we pressed ok once our name tags were done we would here a beep like the sound of  popcorn when its finished in the microwave,  it came out of the laser cutter dusty but it was ok  we used a cloth to wipe it off then we attached a                                    string  and went back to where we were sitting and finished off our work that we were doing then we got up and said thank you                               to  Miss Ferguson for having us and letting us use her laser cutter and we slowly made our way back to Miss Spark’s               classroom.

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